What the Heck is a Max Raid Battle?
We've seen Mega Evolutions, we've seen Alolan versions, we've seen Z-Moves and now we are seeing Dynamax and Max Raids. So to start off,...
We've seen Mega Evolutions, we've seen Alolan versions, we've seen Z-Moves and now we are seeing Dynamax and Max Raids. So to start off,...
Along with the new Pokémon announced for Sword and Shield today, we also got to meet some of the characters. First up is the Professor of...
Bright and early this morning there was a Nintendo Direct for the new Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield games. To begin, lets list the new...
One simple narrative choice led Batman v Superman and Captain America: Civil War to be received completey differently... let's learn why!
As the internet has already told you, Robert Pattinson is cast as the new Batman. As a die hard Batman fan, I'm actually not upset about...
There were some really exciting announcements made last night on the Pokémon live stream concerning updates to current games, new games...
It's Wednesday and that means New Comic Book Day! Whether you're a digital or a print buyer we'll give you the what's what on the Marvel...